s8Tunes(Shakuhachi Tunes) on BASS.DLL
Version12.1 for Windows7,8,10 : 2019/03/17
Tempo and Key changeable MP3, WMA, M4A player. Please execute "s8Tunes.exe" in the folder. You can delete almost all about it by erasing the folder.
s8Tunes is introduced on SOFTPEDIA.COM
as a safe,neat and handy little freeware.

Download(35KB) for Windows7, 8, 10
Version 1.12 : 2019/03/17
Auto Tuner for bamboo flute( etc.)-making with 500 seconds memory.
Sound color analyzer and Tuner for shakuhachi
Download(95KB) for Windows7,8,10
Version 3.08 : 2019-03-17
The zip file creates 's8tuner_e307' folder. Please
execute s8tuner.exe in it. This program doesn't change the Registry field. You can delete all about it by erasing the folder.
This software was initially developed for shakuhachi tuning for makers, but also can use another
This software includes following facility.
-Sound color analyzer based on FFT with memory
-Multi purpose auto tuner,
-Sound volume meter.
-Fingering charts of Shakuhachi etc.
-Sound for tuning
This figure shows recording of 'A'. It display shape of sound wave on upper left part, and
also display frequency and sound name('A') on down left .
There is sound volume on upper right and fingering chart and note name on down right box.
There are a little difference in fingerling and note name between Tozan and Kinko style.
Shakuhachi(Tozan style, Kinko style and seven-holes), Shinobue, Noukan,
Ocarina, flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Sax, Trombone, Horn, Recorder etc.
version 1.27 : 2004/3/9
The zip file creates 'METRO_E' folder. Please
execute metro.exe in it. This program doesn't change the Registry field.
You can delete all about it by erasing the folder.
(*)Thanks to Gavin Mathew. He offered his own wave files. We can hear his nice voice "One" "Two"......
You can use wave files as beat sound. If your computer have
MIDIdevice driver installed, you can use MIDI sound too.
Tuning Fork
Download(19KB) for Windows95,98,XP
Version 3.78
Please execute fork.exe in the FORK_E folder. This program doesn't change the Registry field. You can delete all about it by erasing the folder.

Cent Tuner
Download(12KB) For WindowsXP,2000
Version1.4 : 2008/7/20
Cent changeable tuning fork.